
Voip Canada

Find, Compare and Rank VoIP services

including the world's first Top 100 ranking of VoIP services

Over the past three years it has become increasingly difficult to keep an overview of all the worldwide operating VoIP services or Broadband phone providers. New VoIP / Broadband phone VoIP services are launching almost on a weekly basis and it has become almost impossible to compare PC to Phone and Broadband Phone service providers without weeks and weeks of time consuming research.
Each VoIP provider proclaims to have the best service and the cheapest local, long distance or international VoIP phone rates, but the differences are still enormous (up to 1000%), although in most cases the VoIP services are cheaper than most traditional telephone companies (PSTN). Choosing the right Voice over IP service for your specific need and calling pattern, especially if you make regular international calls can save you a small fortune every month.

To find and compare VoIP services on the Internet is already a mission on its own. A few of the larger, more established VoIP services (such as the Broadband phone company Vonage or Skype with their free VoIP service) are easy to find on hundreds of Internet sites. With their extensive marketing budgets and daily bombardment of press releases, they have established a market dominance in a short period of time. There are however hundreds of smaller and newer Voice over IP services with the same customer service and quality levels, even cheaper VoIP rates and monthly packages with unlimited VoIP calls.

Over the past few months a new group of VoIP service providers have been making their mark in the VoIP market. These providers are offering free VoIP calls to a wide range of destinations and are capturing a significant market share. Being the first VoIP service to offer these free calls, VoIP Buster is the best known, but just recently (End of December 2005), a sister company, VoIP Stunt in Germany was launched with free calls to 39 destinations. VoIPStunt seems to rolling up the market and together with their other sister companies VoIPCheap, NetAppel, SIP Discount, SparVoIP , Internetcalls and VoipDiscount. VoipDiscount was launched on the 20 March with free landline and mobile calls to 52 destinations - the larger more established Broadband phone services should take note.

We, at My Voip Provider.com, have identified over 1000 international VoIP services (November 2006) for the residential and SOHO (small business) market and in due course each and every Broadband or Internet phone service will be included in our extensive VoIP rates database.

Voip Canada